Cookie policy

We use cookies to improve the functionality of our site and to provide you with a better user experience. Our site uses the following third-party services to collect data:

Google Tag Manager: We use Google Tag Manager to manage and track elements on our site.

Google Analytics 4: We use Google Analytics 4 to analyze website traffic and enhance user experience.

Plausible: We use Plausible to collect anonymous user analytics.

Hubspot: We use Hubspot for managing customer relationships and improving user experience.

Mailchimp: We use Mailchimp as our platform for sending service-related communications. By subscribing to our services, you agree that your information may be transferred to Mailchimp for processing in accordance with their privacy policy.

By accepting cookies, you give us permission to use these services for data collection. You can change your cookie preferences anytime from your browser settings.

For more information about the use of cookies and our privacy policy, please visit here.