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How does RateCompass review service work?

RateCompass is a European service designed to help online retailers collect and display product reviews.

RateCompass is an innovative, European service - designed to help online retailers collect and display product reviews in line with the requirements of the EU Omnibus Directive. This directive obliges online retailers to ensure that product reviews are genuine and come from real customers who have ordered the product. RateCompass has been developed to meet these requirements efficiently and reliably.

Omnibus Directive requirements and RateCompass solutions

  1. Ensuring genuine reviews: RateCompass only collects reviews from customers who have actually placed an order. This ensures that the reviews only come from people who have used the product, which meets the requirements of the Omnibus Directive.
  2. Compasses for online shops: Multiple "Compasses" can be created in the service, which act as a hub for managing reviews of different online stores. This allows you to break down reviews from multiple online shops into a single simple dashboard, if required.
  3. Data collection and request for reviews: When a customer places an order online, the order information is sent to RateCompass. When a customer places an order, basic customer information is collected, such as first and last name, email address and products ordered. RateCompass uses this information to send the customer an email requesting a review of the products ordered. No additional data is collected from customers.
  4. Storage and publication of reviews: Merchants can then decide whether or not to publish the review. It is important to note that merchants cannot edit the content of the reviews, which guarantees the authenticity and reliability of the reviews.
  5. Displaying reviews in the online store: Once the merchant has approved the reviews to be displayed in the online store on the product card, their authenticity is transparently presented to the customer with a "Verified" mark. The customer can also click on the mark to read what the "Verified" mark means. In this way, the authenticity of the reviews is shown to the customer in an easy-to-read format.


RateCompass offers online merchants an easy and efficient way to manage product reviews, verify their authenticity and display them in their online store. This not only improves customer confidence, but also helps online retailers to comply with evolving EU regulations. RateCompass is therefore a valuable tool for any online shop owner who wants to improve the management of product reviews and enhance the customer experience.